.. I'm back!
I returned on Sunday from a wonderful trip to Brisbane to visit the Healthy Body Club girls and have a blast at Booty Camp 2009!
It was so great to see everyone and share our experiences. I felt very welcomed and left feeling like I had a whole bunch of new friends! Thanks everyone!
Special mention goes out to Chrissey who has lost an amazing amount of weight and is transforming her mind and body daily. She's a girl after my own heart in wanting to help other people to find themselves and get fit- she's signed up to do a PT course like me! Yay!
Chrissey and I have partnered up for encouragement and support and have decided that we would like to compete in a figure comp at the end of next year. That's 18 months to get our bods lean and mean! Yay for fitness friends!!
I have found myself a coach- I'm waiting to hear back from her but she has offered to coach me to the comp for little to no cost. She can see how much I want it and how dedicated I am to my goal. I am so so so excited about this!! She usually charges $800 a month for coaching... How did it come about? Well, I asked her if she thought it was feasible to try and prepare for a comp on my own with no coaching. She asked me a whole bunch of questions about why I want to do it, who I have in my "team"- as in, who are my key supporters, and what would get in the way of me achieving my goal... She must have been happy with my answers because she has said she'll take me on!
Anyway... I plan to start a new blog to mark the beginning of my journey towards becoming a figure athlete...
Who's coming?!
I’ve learned the art of bookbinding!
4 weeks ago
14 of you love me enough to comment...:
Show me the way. Sounds fun. I'll be there.
Ooooh! Sounds pretty exciting! How's the cycling training going, BTW?
Cycling training is going ok. I have decided just to do the 100km to take the pressure off. I was definately not going to be ready for 210. My team are still doing the long one but I will meet them at Sorrento and ride back to Melbourne.. I need to get out a bit more though!
Hiya Ash..
That sounds like a wonderful, amazing plan... In my head, I have toyed with the same idea..I don't know why I won't committ, but the thought is there..
Way to go Ash i love your determination for your goals defiently an inspiration
me!! im coming!
All you have to do is let us know where to head and I'll be there!
$800 a MONTH holy shit!!!!!!!!
Please share your new blog URL with me when it's up :)
how exciting! I would love to follow your new journey :o)
Oh, I'm coming! Yeah.
Go you!
WOW! What a fabulous thing to work towards Ash! Talk about fabulicious :) I'm behind you all the way! xx
Wow - lots of hard work in store for you, but if anyone can do it you can! Go Ash... Of course I want to come along too! :P
Glad you came out of the closet.
I'm a bit of a lurker here Ash coming out of the closet! Sounds an awesome goal, I would be keen to follow your journey to comp!!!
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